The Title Search is the FIRST STEP in moving towards your closing, as well as the first step in obtaining title insurance. It's a detailed examination of the historical records concerning the property including deeds, civil and probate court records, tax records, etc.
The purpose of the title search is:
•TO VERIFY the seller's right to transfer ownership.
•TO DISCOVER any claims, errors, assessments, debts or other burdens or restrictions on the property.
A title search is carried out by a lawyer, abstractor or a title insurance company. In some cases, the title searcher prepares an Abstract: a condensed legal history of all transactions affecting the property. Based on the results of the title search, the title insurance company usually issues a Commitment to insure (also called a "binder"). It includes:
•A SUMMARY of the condition of the title, including title defects, liens, etc.
•AN AGREEMENT to issue a title insurance policy upon payment of the premium.
THE LENDER receives a copy of the binder to use until the title insurance policy itself is issued at the closing.YOU (THE BUYER) should arrange to get a copy (or have one sent to your lawyer) so that you can meet all conditions before the closing.
Ownership of the property is transferred. Title insurance is issued and coverage begins. CLOSING COSTS usually add up to 6% or more of the purchase price. Depending on state and local laws, you may have to pay:
•TITLE COSTS: Fees for the title search and the lender's title insurance. Your own title insurance is an additional fee.
•LOAN CHARGES: Including origination, appraisal and survey fees.
•SETTLEMENT FEES: Fees for the lender's agent (usually, a lawyer or a title or escrow company representative). You may want your own lawyer in addition.
•TAXES AND GOVERNMENT FEES: Act of cash sale and mortgage recording fees, buyer's share of yearly property taxes.
CLOSE get an ITEMIZED LIST of all closing costs and understand
them. Those present at the closing may include you, the seller, the
bank's agent and agents representing you or the seller. CHECK to be
sure that you have copies of all the documents that you have signed before you
leave the closing.
•NAMES should be listed, spelled correctly.
•DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY should be accurate, legally correct, up-to-date.
•FIGURES should be correct, as previously agreed.
IS YOUR CHANCE to verify fees, check procedures and terms and ask any
It's Protection against loss if a defect is found in your title. When you buy a home, you are given a title to the property that generally means you receive FULL LEGAL OWNERSHIP. But sometimes there's a hidden mistake (not in the public record) in a prior sale, will, mortgage, etc., that may give someone else a valid legal claim against your property!
Because it provides a "safety fence" around your property. Having title insurance can save you money, time and trouble -- even your home!
The Lender: When you buy property, you are commonly required to buy title insurance. This covers the outstanding balance on the mortgage for the lender, but does not protect you.
buyer: When acquiring property, it's a good idea to get your own
title insurance policy. It will give you peace of mind and maximum
protection in case there's a claim against your home.
Coverage typically protects against four "hidden risks" but varies depending on your policy.
1. Errors: Incorrect information in deeds, mortgages, public records, etc., such as wrong names.
2. Liens: Claims against the property or the seller which become the new owner's responsibility after the sale. Examples are unpaid mortgages, taxes, sewer and water assessments, bills owed to workers or other creditors, etc.
3. Claims to Ownership: For instance, a claim to "marital interest" by the spouse of a former owner or by a child of a former owner who was not mentioned in his or her parents' wills.
4. Invalid Deeds: For example, transfer by a previous seller who did not actually own the property, or by a previous owner who was not mentally competent.
Many of these problems might not be discovered in a routine title search.
Standard Exclusions often appear as part of the printed form. For example:
Errors due to poor surveying, such as faulty boundary lines
•Limitations on land use, such as laws against farm animals
•Mechanic's liens, such as unpaid construction or repair bills
Exceptions may also be specifically written into your policy. For example:
•Easements, rights of way, and other legal obligations noted in the deed or in the public records
•"Restrictive covenants," agreements limiting certain types of use of your property. Your insurance company may remove some exceptions if you request it.
You pay a one-time-premium. In the state of Louisiana, title insurance rates are set by state statute, and the premiums are usually paid by the purchaser. Check with your lender, attorney or title company for the premium amount in your particular transaction. Ask about simultaneous policies issued by the same insurer to the buyer when lender's policy is issued -- it can save money.
It's ILLEGAL under federal law:
•for sellers and brokers to receive "kickbacks" (commissions) for referring home buyers to title insurance companies.
•for any seller to require you to consult a particular insurance company (unless they're paying for the policy).
NOTIFY the title insurance company at once, in writing. Include with the letter a copy of all related letters and documents. (Claims are rare but do occur.)
The company will
•NEGOTIATE with the other party to settle the claim.
•DEFEND your title in court if necessary.
•SATISFY any covered claim for which it is responsible.
•PAY legal costs incurred in defending title.
So, Title Insurance protects you against almost any title problem. You get a LOT of security and peace of mind for a SMALL PRICE!
A Mortgage's Policy of title insurance insuring the property you are buying or mortgaging is being issued to your mortgage lender, but that policy does, not provide title insurance coverage to you.
An Owner's Policy of title insurance insures you against actual loss you suffer resulting from certain title risks covered by the policy, if those title risks affect your property on the effective date of the policy. The following is a list of the title risks covered by an Owner's Policy:
1. Someone else owns an interest in your title, and that person's interest is not listed in the policy.
2. A document affecting your title was not properly signed, sealed, acknowledged or delivered.
3. Forgery, fraud, duress, in competency, incapacity or impersonation.
4. Defective recording of any document.
5. You do not have any legal right of access to and from the land.
6. There are restrictive covenants limiting your use of the land, unless we listed those restrictions in your policy.
7. There is a lien on your title because of a mortgage, judgment, tax or special assessment, or a charge by a homeowner's or condominium association, unless we listed those liens in your policy.
8. There are liens on your title, arising now or later, for labor and/or material furnished before the effective date of the policy, unless you agreed to pay for the labor and/or material.
9. Other people have rights arising out of recorded leases, contracts or options, unless we listed those recorded documents in your policy.
10. Someone else has a recorded easement or servitude on your land, unless we listed those recorded documents in your policy.
11. Your title is unmarketable, which allows another person to refuse to carry out a contract to purchase, to lease or to make a mortgage loan in connection with your property.
12. Other defects, liens or encumbrances not listed as exceptions in the policy.
13. Additionally, depending upon the type of Owner's Policy you purchase, you may also be covered against the following title risks:
1.You are forced to remove your existing structure, other than a boundary wall or fence, because it extends on to adjoining land or on to any easement, violates a restriction listed in Schedule B of the policy, or violates an existing zoning law.
2.You cannot use the land because use as a single-family residence violates a restriction shown in Schedule B of the policy or an existing zoning law.
Tel: (225) 769-2900 Fax: (225) 788-3086 8801 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70810